The FoRC results from a long-standing dream of USP researchers who wanted to create a multidisciplinary Brazilian research center focused on food and nutrition and uniting excellent scientists from different teaching and research units in the country. After the creation of the Center for Advanced Research in Food and Nutrition at the USP (NAPAN/USP), the dream of a food research center was realized in 2013 as a result of a call from FAPESP for the creation of Research, Innovation, and Dissemination Centers (CEPIDs) in 2000, with the participation of researchers and students of scientific initiation, masters, doctors, and postdoctors from the USP, UNICAMP, UNESP, IMT, and IFMG. FAPESP’s CEPIDs aim to develop fundamental or applied research focused on specific themes, actively contribute to innovation through technology transfer, and offer extension activities targeting primary and secondary education and the general public.